Nordea sucks

18 Apr 2008 » permalink

I rarely feel like blogging about personal stuff but today my patience finally went off. Since I switched from Finnish Nordea (which provides excellent service BTW) to a Polish one I'm having only problems. Not the only one being that for two months now they’re unable to send me a banking card for my account.

Today, however, something much more scary happened. When trying to send them email (using their own banking account messaging system) I got this nice failure:

Warning: pg_exec() []: Query failed: ERROR: syntax error at or near 
"u" at character 2101 in /www/pglib/libs/c_db_postgres.php on line 106
error: query(): ERROR: syntax error at or near "u" at character 2101 
INSERT INTO cms.tabmail ( sto, ssubject, scontent, sheaders ) VALUES 
( '', 'produkty i usługi bankowe', 
'Temat: produkty i usługi bankowe...

As garrett pointed out — of all the places you want to see this kind of error, your bank is not one. For those unfamiliar with the problem — it’s esentially an Sql injection bug which, in short, means that your system security is a piece of shit.